Monument Art Hop, my new Sony Reader

It’s been a busy month, what with the RMFW Colorado Gold Conference, a signing, my birthday, etc. The signing was at a local bookstore (Covered Treasures) during the last Monument Art Hop of the summer. If you live near Monument, CO, then I recommend getting to those summer Art Hops, as well as the outdoor concerts.

For my birthday, we found a Sony PRS-600 Touch Edition Reader in red. It’s candy-apple red. It’s beautiful. And it has the feature I was waiting for in readers: a touch screen. This allows me to actually scribble notes in the margins and find them later (you can also flip pages by swiping your finger, but that’s no big deal for me). The other features I like include the ability to load and work with different and non-proprietary formats, interface with USB devices, memory cards, etc. This allowed me to load Pathfinder (book #3) on it for my husband to read on his trip. He circled some things, put question marks in places, and now I’m addressing his comments. Love it!

Any opinions?

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