When I was at a writer’s conference in Denver, I pitched to a science fiction and fantasy (SF/F) editor for a NY publisher. After expressing disappointment that I wasn’t pitching an SF manuscript, he brightened and said, “But I usually like Fantasy written by SF authors.” “Because their magic systems make sense?” Being an avid […]
Tag Archives: Writing Craft
As a purveyor, buyer, and all-around user of the English language, my attention was caught by The Telegraph article “Ralph Fiennes blames Twitter for ‘eroding’ language.” The headline pointed at Twitter but Mr. Fiennes, an English actor, blamed social networking and our society, as a whole, for dumbing down the English language. Speaking at the […]
It sounds like I’m talking about making drinks. Unfortunately, I’m talking about the first few pages of my current work in progress. I have “alpha readers” who are awarded the questionable distinction of reading my early drafts (these are not “first readers,” who see polished and full manuscripts). The problem is, my alpha readers haven’t […]
January 1st has always seemed an arbitrary time for making resolutions (other than ones involving taxes or fiscal issues—if so, then you have my condolences, particularly if you’re in California). So I haven’t been too fond about New Year’s resolutions and it should be no surprise that random resolutions involving writing, e.g. “I will write […]