Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels contained tons of interesting characters. Many of readers’ favorites were also witches and wizards. So here’s a crossword to tickle your memory about both witches and wizards. Note that when you select an open square on the crossword, the clue will be shown above the puzzle as well as selected in the clue list below.


Here’s a quick puzzle: match movie posters to the inspiring science fiction short story or novel. It’s quick because I couldn’t find small movie graphics in some cases and I ruled out movies that had the same name as the written inspiration. That’s way too easy! Can you get it done in under a minute? (more…)

If the previous crossword was puzzling, here’s the answers–but they’re in a word search puzzle. The longer names really stressed the algorithm and I had to keep increasing the size of the puzzle, so it’s pretty large. The online puzzle regenerates with each use.
