Category Archives: For Writers

Posts that should interest other writers in science fiction and fantasy, as well as other genres

SF Signal’s Mind Meld: What’s your favorite big dumb object in SF? 0 (0)

Join me and other (much more esteemed) SF authors as we answer the question, “What’s Your Favorite ‘Big Dumb Object’ in SF?” over at SF Signal. The SF trope “Big Dumb Object” was coined for any mysterious, large, and often powerful object discovered near the beginning of a novel and used as plot device. Originally, […]

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Writer Tools: Scrivener for the Fiction Writer 0 (0)

“Practical Tips on Writing a Book from 23 Brilliant Authors,” by Steve Silberman, has big name authors giving advice on managing and finishing a large writing project — usually a non-fiction book or memoir. Most of these tips apply to the fiction writer also, so go read it. Finished? Did you notice how many recommendations […]

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Does YA Exhibit Enough Variety? 0 (0)

An opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal titled “Darkness Too Visible,” written by a children’s book reviewer, has many Young Adult (YA) authors riled up. The subtitle sums up much of the article: Contemporary fiction for teens is rife with explicit abuse, violence and depravity. Why is this considered a good idea? If books […]

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Does your inner writer need a palate cleanser, too? 0 (0)

Many writers suggest one shouldn’t read in the same genre one’s writing. I’ve never followed that advice, because the SF and Fantasy genre is just too big, too varied, that I don’t need to eschew the genre—it’s difficult to even compare one’s work against another’s. For instance, when I was writing the Major Ariane Kedros […]

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The smoother I make the beginning, the blander it gets 0 (0)

It sounds like I’m talking about making drinks. Unfortunately, I’m talking about the first few pages of my current work in progress. I have “alpha readers” who are awarded the questionable distinction of reading my early drafts (these are not “first readers,” who see polished and full manuscripts). The problem is, my alpha readers haven’t […]

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Obligatory Post About Writing Resolutions 0 (0)

January 1st has always seemed an arbitrary time for making resolutions (other than ones involving taxes or fiscal issues—if so, then you have my condolences, particularly if you’re in California). So I haven’t been too fond about New Year’s resolutions and it should be no surprise that random resolutions involving writing, e.g. “I will write […]

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