I was carried away by Liu’s The Iron Hunt, with engrossing world, characters, and story. An amazing concept, where the heroine’s tatoos are her armor-by-day, her demons-at-arms by night, as well as ageless beings that hold secrets about her role/fate/orders. One of them likes to gnaw on discarded cans; can you get any quirkier? Emissaries […]
Tag Archives: Elizabeth Moon
When I covered Elizabeth Moon’s Vatta’s War series, I said that I couldn’t wait to read book number four. When the fourth book, Command Decision, became available through the SF Book Club, I snapped it up. I read it almost as fast, then I had to wait to post this entry until TAXES were finished. […]
Sometimes when the Science Fiction Book Club offers a whole series of books, I bite and buy them all, telling myself that I’m saving money. I’ve read Elizabeth Moon before and she’s an excellent writer (see The Speed of Dark, which won the 2003 Nebula Award for Best Novel), so it wasn’t much of a […]