I am in awe of China Miéville’s world-building talents. His SF presents concepts and ideas that are thought-provoking, engaging, and just plain impressive (in the “I wish I could have come up with this” category). However, I wish he would put as much effort and ingenuity into his story and character motivations. More on that […]
Tag Archives: China Miéville
Do you read SF/Fantasy? Would you like to meet a group of SF/F authors? Do you write SF/F—in which case, have you been wondering what happens at conventions? Well, here’s a small SF convention in Colorado Springs that’s fun and friendly, whether you’re an old hand or just trying a convention for the first time. […]
My favorite in this reading pile was Carol Berg’s Song of the Beast, closely followed by Brandon Sanderson’s debut novel, Elantris. They’re both standalone traditional fantasies, with rich detailed worlds, complex characters, twisted plots, action, and politics. I chose both because they were traditional fantasy, but unashamedly standalone. Perhaps because these books didn’t attempt to […]
I like Jeanne Stein’s urban fantasy series, but she writes too fast. I’ve only finished book two and I just put book five on the pile. Richard Morgan’s premise and world in Altered Carbon sucked me in, but I ended up confused regarding the schemes and motivations of the villain. It’s difficult to confuse me […]