Tag Archives: Terry Pratchett

Crossword: Witches & Wizards in Discworld 5 (2)

Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels contained tons of interesting characters. Many of readers’ favorites were also witches and wizards. So here’s a crossword to tickle your memory about both witches and wizards. Note that when you select an open square on the crossword, the clue will be shown above the puzzle as well as selected in […]

How Discworld Novels Helped Us Through Rough Times 0 (0)

In 2021, I found Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Reading Order Guide 3.0* and realized I’d read only 17 of the 40+ Discworld books. My science advisor (husband) was looking for something to read, so I suggested Terry Pratchett’s Discworld books. Some of these books have descriptions of magical time and space dilation (perhaps even quantum […]

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BIG wrap-up of cold season reading 0 (0)

Sorry for the huge post, but this is a wrap-up of the reading I’ve done through our Colorado winter (I can see the plants coming up, yah spring!). Soulless, by Gail Carriger (published by Orbit), is described as "a comedy of manners set in Victorian London," and "a novel of vampires, werewolves, and parasols." One […]

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Fall reading wrap-up 0 (0)

I like Jeanne Stein’s urban fantasy series, but she writes too fast. I’ve only finished book two and I just put book five on the pile. Richard Morgan’s premise and world in Altered Carbon sucked me in, but I ended up confused regarding the schemes and motivations of the villain. It’s difficult to confuse me […]

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