This Friday night, Sept 7th at 7:30 p.m., the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers (RMFW) are having a book sale and signing that will be open to the public. A multitude of RMFW authors (usually defined as 30-plus authors, most of whom are on this list) will be in Ballroom B of the Renaissance Denver Hotel on Quebec, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (here’s the location of the hotel).
I’ll be there—but big deal; if you’re reading this announcement, you’ve probably already read my books. What is exciting is that most books will be available at a discount. From Who Else! Books, the bookseller for the event:
As a Conference Special on the books we will be bringing (not those consigned; we have little control over their pricing), we will be selling most if not all of your books at slightly reduced prices: $7.99 books for $7, $6.99 books for $6, $25.95 books for $23, just as we do at book signings in our store. Trade paperbacks will be all or almost all discounted similarly: eg, $.14.95 will be $13, $17.95 will be $16.
So if you’ve been hankering for a book by an RMFW author, check out this sale if you’re in the Denver area.